PhD student (m/f/d)

Metabolites as messenger substances for the regulation of monocyte activation

wanted starting 15th January 2025 at the Department of Anesthesiology headed by Prof. Markus A. Weigand.

We are looking for a highly motivated scientist with an interest in working at the interface between basic research and clinically orientated translational research. We are a dynamic, interdisciplinary team of scientists and physicians. Our research focuses on deciphering the immunopathology of systemic inflammatory reactions, in particular sepsis. To this end, we apply a broad range of methods and make use of patient samples as well as cell culture and animal models. We offer structured training, comprehensive supervision and the opportunity to publish your own research results and present them at conferences.

This DFG-funded project is part of the Research Training Group RTG2727 “Innate Immune Checkpoints in Cancer and Tissue Damage” (GRK2727)

  • Job-ID: V000013125
  • Einsatzgebiet: Klinik für Anästhesiologie
  • Einsatzort: Heidelberg
  • Tätigkeitsbereich: Wissenschaft und Lehre
  • Anstellungsart: Teilzeit (65 %)
  • Veröffentlicht: 10.09.2024
  • Befristung:Befristet (3 years)
  • Vertrag:TV-L

Your Tasks

As a PhD student in our team, you will analyze the effect of metabolites (such as lactate) on monocyte function, the metabolites’ ability to reshape systemic inflammatory reactions, and the potential for immunometabolic reprogramming of dysregulated immune activation.

Your tasks will encompass:

  • Independent performance of experiments and diligent evaluation and documentation of the obtained research data
  • Develop scientific hypotheses and design experimental approaches to test them
  • Work with a collaborative spirit within the research unit and with our scientific partners within and outside Heidelberg
  • Participation in scientific conferences and presentation of results and preparation of manuscripts for scientific publications

Your Profile

  • Master’s degree (or equivalent qualification) in (Medical) Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Molecular Medicine, Biochemistry, or related
  • Keen scientific interest in translational immunological research
  • Strong background in immunology or molecular and cellular biology
  • Willingness to carry out animal experiments (mouse) - a corresponding qualification in experimental animal science and experience in this field are an advantage, but not a prerequisite for a successful application
  • Excellent analytical, organizational, and communication skills with fluency in English (oral and written) and ability to communicate in German
  • Candidates are expected to be highly motivated and to work both team-oriented and independently

We offer

  • Goal-oriented, individual training and development opportunities , continuous and comprehensive supervision, and a structured graduate program
  • Working with state-of-the-art techniques including primary immune cell culture, sepsis mouse and pig models, flow cytometry, chromatin immunoprecipitation, metabolic flux analyses, ELISA and access to OMICSs techniques
  • Possibility to publish scientifically is offered and supported
  • Working as part of a dynamic, interdisciplinary research team and in a stimulating and collaborative atmosphere
  • Funding support for the duration of the PhD program
  • Opportunity for a research stay in the lab of an international partner
  • Collectively agreed remuneration, attractive company pension scheme (VBL)
  • 30 days vacation
  • Sustainable travel: job ticket
  • Family-friendly working environment: cooperative arrangements for childcare, subsidy for child vacation care, advice for employees with relatives in need of care
  • Wide range of health, prevention and sports offers

Kontakt & Bewerbung

For further information please contact Judith Schenz via e-mail.


Applications will be accepted until 15.09.2024, preferably by e-mail as a single PDF file (including cover letter, CV, references, relevant certificates and, if applicable, proof of previous research and professional experience).

Klinik für Anästhesiologie
Judith Schenz
Im Neuenheimer Feld 420
69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0)6221 - 56-382 96

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